Such a great post-secret. It got me thinking about the entire idea of random acts of kindness, and that when taking with the intention of Glorifying God become instances to quiet our heart to the voice of the Holy Spirit.
There have been so many moments in my life where I feel compelled to offer up random encouragements or Truths to strangers, but hold back out of fear and judgment, and weird looks :-). A the end of the day my obedience to those inclinations have little to do with making me feel good or comfortable, but rather allowing myself to be used in a way to speak Truth to someone else. Words (especially affirming ones) are super important to me, and its exciting that God allows us to speak into each others life, and I'm
sooo grateful for the
many people, close friends and strangers that have done that for me. One of my favorite
Nav nights was my
sophomore year when Mike C. handed out post cards and told us to write a letter to someone who was important to us, or to a stranger whatever, that expressed some type of gratitude, thanksgiving or simple encouragement.
In the same vain my family has always had the habit of writing little notes to our waiters when we dine out; something as short sweet and uplifting as the words written on the post card above. Since lately Alex and I eat out
soooo much, I've gotten him into the habit of doing this as well, which is all kinds of adorable!
I also think about moments God has used
utter strangers to remind me of His promises and Word. Two years ago I was
volunteering at a
children s fair as a part of America Reads. The gym was set up in 30 or so little reading stations where kids could circle around and stop at each station to hear a different story. At one point a group of older women who had been active members of the community education board and worked diligently for years to bring such programs to their neighborhoods, stopped by my station and
began chatting about my
involvement with America Reads and NYU etc. After about 15 minutes of chatting one of the women opened her Bible pointed to a
passage in I Corinthians 15
58Therefore, my dear brothers, stand firm. Let nothing move you. Always give yourselves fully to the work of the Lord, because you know that your labor in the Lord is not in vain.
She offered these words to me with a hug and a whispered prayer. Afterwards I had to hold back tears. I
was just extremely astonished by her boldness, her desire to encourage, and her LOVE for the Lord.